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斐波那契序列纤维纳基序列斐波那契序列实验2实验2 fibonacci,含义Leonardo Leonardo fibonacci fibonacci,1170-12401170-1240,这本书的来源可能是Bibissa)。他被称为“ Bibissa的Leleon Annadodo”。 12021202,他撰写并撰写了珠子和计算的原理(Liber Liber Abaccccci)。他是第一个研究数学和理论理论的欧洲和欧洲人民。他的父亲和父亲在比比萨(Bibissa)的各个商业团体中聘请了外交顾问。这些电台等同于当今AARL和GALILEAN地区的车站。因此,Leleon Annadodo能够在每个Aarla诞生的指导下学习数学。他还在埃及和叙利亚,叙利亚,希腊,西西里岛和普罗旺斯学习数学。西西里岛和普罗旺斯研究数学。 1。实验目的1。实验目的1。实验目的:了解斐波那契序列和序列,并体验发现其一般公式的过程。
体验发现其一般公式的过程。了解MATLAB软件和软件中数据显示和数据拟合的方式。如何显示数据和拟合数据。提高分析和处理数据的能力。提高分析和处理数据的能力。 2。问题2。问题2。问题2。问题2。问题描述意大利意大利意大利意大利fibonacci意大利意大利fibonacci fibonacci意大利fibonacci(fibonacci),12021 202 202年,通常说,兔子可以在出生后两个月后重生,分娩后两个月后出生。一对兔子每个月都可以生育生殖能力,一对兔子每月可以生下一对小兔子。如果所有兔子都没有死,那么一对小兔子就会来。如果所有兔子都没有死,那么一年可以繁殖多少对兔子?那么,一年可以繁殖几对兔子? 3。问题分为三个,问题分为三个,问题分为三个,问题分析和分析称为斐波那契序列。递归公式:递归公式:1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、55。兔对的兔对数如下:订单如下:寻求答案,并且寻求答案:寻求答案:佛比诺卡奇序列序列的第12个项目。物品。斐波那契序列序列的一般规则是什么?这是什么? 4。背景知识4。背景知识4。背景知识4。背景知识1 1。最小二乘和数据拟合,最小二乘和数据拟合2024/3/11星期一星期一多项式拟合多项式拟合当数据点彼此相差(x,y,s)时:将给定点列连接到polyline中。将给定点列连接到多线线。给定点列是X点列的水平坐标,点列的水平坐标,Y点列的垂直坐标,点列的垂直坐标,点列的垂直坐标,Y点列的点柱的垂直坐标,Y点列的垂直坐标,图的格式字符串。图的格式字符串的示例:给定数据,给定数据,x1 = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; Y1 = 10,5,4,2,1,1,2,3,4;描述其图形并描述其图形代码:X1 = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; Y1 = 10,5,4,2,1,1,2,3,4; plot(x1,y1)2 2. Drawing and polynomial fitting command, drawing and polynomial fitting command 2024/3/11 Monday p=polyfit(x,y,n): Use n-order polynomial fitting data column to fit polynomial data column to return the coefficients of the polynomial, the order is from higher order to lower order to return the coefficients of the polynomial, the order is from higher order to lower order示例:x = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; y = 10,5,4,2,1,1,2,3,4; Fitting: Fit: p=polyfit(x,y,2) Results: Result: 0.2676 -3.6053 13.4597 Numerical value: f=polyval(p,x) Results: Result: f=10.1219 5.0519 3.3196 2.1224 1.4604 1.3335 1.7417 2.6851 4.1636 That is, the second-order polynomial is the degree多项式为p1 = 0.2676x2-3.6053x+13.4597拟合效果显示:拟合效果显示:代码代码: x = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; y = 10,5,4,2,1,1,2,3,4; p = polyfit(x,y,2);图(x,y,y,y,ro,x,polyval(p,x),b),b)传说(数据点,拟合曲线); 2024/3/3/11实验五个星期一实验,实验5,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验,实验, 1.1。观察数据之间的近似函数关系观察数据之间的近似函数关系观察数据之间的近似函数关系观察到数据2.2之间的近似函数关系。进一步验证上一步中获得的结论进一步验证了上一步中获得的结论,进一步验证了上一步3.3中获得的结论。获得数据的近似函数关系获得数据的近似函数关系获得数据的近似函数关系获得数据4.4的近似函数关系。观察拟合数据的程度观察拟合数据的程度拟合数据观察拟合数据的程度观察拟合数据的程度观察数据拟合数据观察数据的程度拟合数据拟合数据的程度拟合数据观察拟合数据观察数据观察数据拟合数据拟合数据的程度拟合数据拟合数据的程度,该程度拟合数据的程度,该程度拟合数据,该程度拟合数据的程度,该程度拟合数据的程度,该程度拟合数据的程度,该程度拟合数据的程度。拟合数据观察拟合数据的程度观察拟合数据的程度可观察到拟合数据的程度5.5。猜猜猜猜猜测猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜猜测猜猜猜猜猜测猜猜猜测猜猜猜测猜猜猜测一般项序列的序列的序列序列的一般性序列序列的序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列表示一般条款序列的序列的序列的序列序列的序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列表示序列序列序列序列表示序列序列序列表示序列序列序列表示为一般项序列的序列的序列,序列的序列序列序列序列的序列序列序列的一般项序列序列序列序列序列,序列序列的序列序列,序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序序,序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列,序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列(序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列,序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列,序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列,序列序列序列序列序列序列序列的序列序列的序列的序列序列序列序列序列(序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序序,序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列,序列序列序列的序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列序列(平面坐标系统中所示序列序列序列的序列:隐含地观察功能关系,并隐含地观察功能关系和结论。结论:曲线的形状确实像一条直线:曲线的形状确实像直线视图代码3.3。获得数据获得的近似函数关系获得数据获得的近似函数关系获得数据获得的近似函数关系获得数据的近似函数关系,该数据fibonaccifibonacci的近似函数关系该序列的序列数据关系是指数的函数,并且序列的数据关系是指数级函数,是一个指数函数,是一阶多态词,是linear and linear and linear and linear and linear and lineal函数,是一个linear函数,是一个函数,是一个函数,是一个函数,是一个函数,是一个函数,对数是一种线性函数,即一阶多项式,并且对数是一种线性函数,即是一阶多项式,并且对数是一种函数,在与一阶多项式拟合对数拟合对数以拟合一阶函数与对数的近似术语的表达的函数的函数的函数的近似形式形式的近似术语的函数的函数:序列的:查看代码4.4。根据与原始数据的一致性,符合原始数据的合成程度,与拟合数据的一致性,与原始数据的合并程度,拟合数据之间的合并程度,红点:红点:红点:红点:红点:蓝线:蓝线:蓝线:查看代码5.5。猜猜猜测猜猜猜测猜猜猜测猜测猜猜猜测斐波那契序列的一般术语公式,斐波那契序列的序列的一般术语公式,上述方程序列序列的序列的一般术语公式被替换为上述方程式的递归公式。 Obtaining: Considering that the sequence tends to be infinite, the general term formula is taken as: Considering that the sequence tends to be infinite, the general term formula is taken as: However, the above formula does not satisfy: the above formula does not satisfy: further correction and further correction, obtain this, obtain this, obtain the new guess of the Fibonacci sequence general term: new guess of the sequence general term: In this way, obtain this, obtain the斐波那契序列一般项:在序列一般项中:在比率内称为公式。
(法国Binet,法国,1843年发现年发现)6.6。衍生派生派生推导衍生推导衍生派生的一般项公式的一般项公式的一般项公式的一般项公式的一般项公式的一般项公式的一般项公式的一般项序列的一般项序列序列序列的序列序列序列的序列的序列序列具有以下递归关系,以下是递归的关系,以下是下列恒定的恒定线性差异,这是第二个稳定的线性等方程,是第二个差异,是第二个差异,是第二个差异,是第二个差异,是第二个差异,这是第二个差异,是第二个差异关系。 an imitation of the linear homogeneous difference equation of the regular coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation of the simulated constant coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation of the simulated constant coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation of the simulated constant coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation of the simulated constant coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation of the simulated constant coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation of the simulated以下递归关系的恒定系数线性均匀差方程。二阶恒定系数线性均质均匀方程用于求解特征方程,以及两个特征根的一般解决方案的一般解决方案和两个特征根的差分方程以及两个特征根的差分方程的一般解决方案的一般解决方案和上面的n = 1 n = 1 n = 1 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 n = 2 N = 2配方,以获取获得6的解决方案。化学反应中产物的浓度问题6。化学反应中产物的浓度问题6。化学反应中产物的浓度问题6。化学反应中产物的浓度问题6。化学反应中产物的浓度问题。化学反应中产物的浓度问题6。化学反应的浓度6。化学反应的浓度。 t = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,112,12,13,14,15,16; y = 4.00,6.40,8.00,8.80,9.22,9.50,9.70,9.86; y = y,10.00,,10.42,10.50,55,10.58,10.60; plot(t,t,y,r+)xlabel(time); ylabel(plusperation);图表(发电机浓度散射图)从图表中,显然是一种非线性关系。数据点列提出了单调的向上趋势,该趋势开始升高,然后逐渐减慢,并且单调的向上趋势开始更快地上升,然后开始更快,然后开始升高,然后逐渐减慢,因此建议使用多项函数,多型功能,使用2个函数,使用2个函数,使用2个函数,使用2个函数。第六阶多项式拟合多项式:代码:p2 = polyfit(t,y,2); p4 = polyfit(tkaiyun全站登录网页入口,y,4); p6 = polyfit(t,y,6); R1=do t(y-polyval(p6,t),y-polyval(p6,t)% calculation of fit residual plot(t,y,r+,t,polyval(p2,t),t,polyval(p4,t),t,polyval(p6,t)legend(measurement data, 2nd order fitting order fitting, 4th order fitting order fitting, 6th order fitting) 6th order多项式拟合效果是更好的阶多项式拟合效果3。使用双曲线功能适合:使用双曲线功能适合:代码:代码:P1 = PolyFit(1./t,1./y,1.1);图(t,y,r+,t,1。/polyval(p1,1。/t)r2 = dot(y-1./polyval(p1,1./t),y-1。/polyval(p1,1。/t)传奇(p1,1./t)传奇(测量数据测量数据,多性拟合拟合),多重拟合拟合)7。结论和应用程序7。结论和应用7。结论和申请7。 fibonacci1。 order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order sequence of order of order sequence of order 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00士0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011性基顺序序序序序序序序序序序序序序序序,fibonAcci序列的其他形式一般术语公式的其他形式的其他形式的其他形式的fibonacci序列的fibonAcci序列序列序列的本质中的本质中具有本质的本质中的本质中,本质是本质的。花瓣,通常是顺时针和逆时针螺旋的数量,如果顺时针和逆时针螺旋的数量是相邻的纤维纤维序列,则通常是顺时针和逆时针螺旋的螺旋纤维纤维螺旋。 2个项目,该项目可以称为斐波那契螺旋斐波那契螺旋,也称为斐波那契螺旋斐波那契螺旋纤维纤维螺旋螺旋和金矩形纤维纤维螺旋螺旋和金矩形5.5。应用程序应用程序应用程序应用程序应用程序fibonacci fibonacci序列序列序列在纯数学,操作优化,纯数学,操作优化,计算机科学和其他领域中具有良好的应用值。计算机科学和其他领域具有巨大的应用价值。本实验中使用的方法以及本实验中使用的方法可用于一般数据处理和分析。它可用于一般数据处理和分析。
显示显示显示显示显示显示显示显示显示纤维cifibonacci序列,序列,序列,序列之前,序列之前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列之前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,序列前,fn = 1,1;%fn = 1,1;%fn = 1,1;%fn = 1,1;%序列序列; sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, function plotfibo(n)%Put the display display display display Fibonacci sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, before sequence, 3 items to the first item to the first item to the first item to the nnth item item item fn=fn,fn(i-2)+fn(i-1);%fn=fn,fn(i-2)+fn(i-1);%will add the ii item to the array item to the array item to the array item to the array item to the middle end%end%loop end loop end loop end loop end loop end loop end plot(fn)%plot(fn)%will install the sequence before loading the sequence before loading在加载序列之前加载顺序之前加载序列之前的顺序在加载阵列显示阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列显示阵列阵列显示显示的显示图显示的显示图片显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示的图片显示,显示图片显示,显示图显示的图片显示,阵列显示阵列显示的阵列阵列显示阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列阵列显示图片项目显示的项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示项目显示,在加载日志之后,在加载到日志之后,在加载日志之后,请在注册到日志之前,请在注明日志之后,在加载日志之后 log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before loading the log before在加载日志之前加载日志之前在加载日志之前加载日志之前加载日志之前加载日志之前加载日志之前加载日志之前,然后再加载日志之前加载日志之前,请在加载日志之前加载日志,然后再加载lotlnfibo(n)%显示对数之前,请在加载日志之前加载日志。进行对数后的前显示。进行对数后的前显示。进行对数后的前显示。进行对数后的前显示。第一个NN项目项目fn = 1,1;%fn = 1,1;%将序列的前两个项目放入数组中。序列的前两个项目放在数组中。序列的前两个项目放在数组中。序列的前两个项目放在数组中。序列的前两个项目放在数组中。 i = 3:n%fnfor i = 3:n%fn的中间和中间。序列的第三个数字放在数组中。 3个项目到项目到项目到项目到nnth otem fn = fn = fn = fn(i-2)+fn(i-1);%fn = fn = fn,fn(i-2)+fn(i-1);%将ii ii项目添加到array项目到array项目到array项目阵列项目,以添加到array dray to array dray to dray dray dray to dray End lo end loop end loop end loop en loop end loop loop loop en loop en loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loob fn = log(fn)%fn = log(fn)%fn = log(fn)%获取原始数据以记录原始数据以记录原始数据以记录原始数据的到来数据是对数。原始数据是对数。图(FN)%图(FN)%。在加载序列之前,安装了序列,在安装序列之前显示了显示项目数组的数组,并显示显示项目的数组。显示显示项目的数组。在获取对数后返回数据。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。进行对数后,根据数据拟合线性表达式。线性表达式根据函数拟合。 fitlnfibo(n)%函数fitlnfibo(n)%首先将对数取得对数,然后首先适合对数,然后首先安装对数,然后拟合fn = 1,1;%fn = 1,1;%;%将顺序的前两个术语放入阵列的前两个条款中,将顺序排列到序列中的第一个序列,将序列排入序列,将数字排入序列,该序列的排序序列排名序列的排名序列,该序列将数字排入序列,该序列将数组的序列放入数组中, i = 3:n%fn的阵列fnfn在i = 3:n%fn的第三fn中的第三个中的第三个中的第三次,中间为i = 3:n%fn的i = 3:n%fn的i = 3:n%fn在i = 3:n%= 3:n%= 3:n%= 3:n%fn的第三fn中的第三fn中,in = 3:n%fn中的第三fn fn:n = 3:n%fn in Midder i = 3:n = 3:n%fn:n = 3:n%fn:n = 3:n%fn:n = 3:n%fn in = 3:n%fn:n = 3:n%fn f in = 3:n%fn: i = 3:n%fn的1 = 3:n%fn的中间为i = 3:n%fn,对于中间的1 = 3:n%fn在中间i = 3:n%fn的中间i = 3:n%fn在中间i = 3:n%fn在中间的第三个= 3:n%fn中的第三fn中的三分之一= 3:n%fn in = 3:n%fn:n%fn:n%fn fn:n%fn in 3:n%fn in in f n of i = 3:n%fn in 3:n%fn in in in Shild in for I = 3: 1 = 3:i = 3:n%fn的中间i = 3:n%fn在i = 3:n%fn中的第三个中,中间的1 = 3:n%fn中间i = 3:n%fn在中间i = 3:n%fn,i = 3:n%fn在中间i = 3:n%fn中间i = 3:n%fn for i = 3:n = 3:n = 3:n = 3 3:n%fn,在1 = 3 3 3 3 3 3 3个项目中,项目to non to Item to non to Itity to Itital to item of Itity Itity Itity ItitiT ItitiT ItitiT ItitiT Itemit ItitiT Itemit ItitiT Itemit ItitiT Itec fn=fn,fn(i-2)+fn(i-1);%fn=fn,fn(i-2)+fn(i-1);%response to add the ii item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array item to mid-end%end%end%loop end loop end loop end loop end loop end loop end xn=1:n;%xn=1:n;%definition abscissa define abscissa define abscissa define abscissa fn=log(fn)%fn=log(fn)%The original data will be logarithmic, the original data will be logarithmic, the original data will be logarithmic, the original data will be logarithmic, polyfit(xn,fn,1)%polyfit(xn,fn,1)%Fit is installed before the sequence在安装序列之前安装之前安装序列之前,在安装序列之前安装序列之前,在返回序列阵列阵列阵列阵列项目的阵列项目之前,返回序列的阵列项目的阵列项目,以显示拟合数据,并显示原始数据和原始数据在显示的原始数据之前显示拟合数据,并显示了原始数据,并显示了原始数据,并显示了原始数据,并显示了原始数据kaiyun全站app登录入口,并显示了原始数据,并显示了原始数据。显示拟合的数据和原始数据在显示之前显示拟合的数据,并且在显示之前显示原始数据,并且在显示之前显示原始数据,并且在显示之前显示原始数据,并且在显示拟合数据和原始数据之前显示原始数据,并且在显示拟合的数据和原始数据显示之前,显示了拟合的数据kaiyun.ccm,则显示了拟合的数据,并显示了拟合的数据,并显示了拟合的数据。物品项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目,项目项目的物品项目项目的项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目的物品项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的项目项目项目的物品项目的物品项目的项目项目项目的项目项目本项目的物品项目项目的物品项目项目的物品项目项目的物品项目项目的物品项目的物品项目项目的物品项目中的物品项目项目的物品项目中的物品项目中的物品项目项目中的物品项目中的物品项目中的物品项目中的物品项目项目项目的项目项目项目项目的项目项目项目的物品项目项目的物品项目的项目项目属的物品项目属的物品项目属的物品项目属的物品项目属的物品列表,该项目是该项目的物品,该项目的物品项目是该项目的项目,该项目的物品是该项目的物品,该项目的物品是该项目的物品,该项目的物品是该项目的物品,该项目的物品是该项目的物品,该项目的物品是该项目的项目,该项目的物品是该项目的一项项目,该项目的物品是该项目的一项绘图项目。 plotfibo2(n)%display fitting data and original data. The previous display of fitting data and original data. The previous display of fitting data and original data. The previous display of fitting data and the previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data. The previous display of fitting data 1 item to item to item to item to item to nnth item item item fn1=fn1,0.4476*1.618i;%fn1=fn1,0.4476*1.618i;%add the ii item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array end fn1fn1;%fn2=1,1;%install the array of original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled original data, put the first two items to array assembled array fn2fn2 for i=3:n%fn2 for i=3:n%fn23 3 items to item to item to item to item to nnth item item item fn2=fn2,fn2(i-2)+fn2(i-1);%fn2=fn2,fn2(i-2)+fn2(i-1);% add the ii item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array item to array fn2fn2 mid-medium end end x=1:n;x=1:n;plot(x,fn1,x,fn2,r*)%plot(x,fn1,x,fn2,r*)%display display display display,fn1,fn1lan line,lan line,lan line,lan line,lan line,lan line,fn2fn2red starred red starred red starred red star return display fitted data after taking logarithm and original data display fitted data after taking logarithm and original data display fitted data after taking logarithm and original data display fitted data after taking logarithm and original data display fitted data after taking logarithm and original data display fitted data after taking logarithm and original data function plotfibo3(n)%function plotfibo3(n)% displays the first display of fitting data and the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of 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display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the first display of the fn2=1,1;%fn2=1,1;%fil the array of original data, the first two items are placed in the array of array assembled original data, the first two items are placed in the array assembled original data, the first two items are placed in the array assembled original data, the first two items are placed in the array assembled original data, the first two items are placed in the array fn2fn2, middle and middle for i=3:n%fn2for i=3:n%fn2th of the 3rd item of the 3rd item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the 3th item to the x=1:n;x=1:n;plot(x,fn1,x,log(fn2),r*)%plot(x,fn1,x,log(fn2),r*)%display display display display,fn1,fn1lan line,lan line,lan line,lan line,lan line,fn2fn2red starred red starred red starred red star return 2024/3/11 Second class assignment second class assignment textbook textbook P18-19: Questions: Questions 2 and 6